Sunday 3 August 2014

Mars in Your Horoscope

 Mars in Your Horoscope

Mars or Mangal is considered a malefic planet in Vedic astrology. It represents self-confidence, determination, and abilities to fighting against all odds, endurance, efforts, aggression, wars, violence, accidents, hurdles and delays in many areas of life. 

The result of Mars depends on it’s placement in the birth chart. If the Mars or Mangal is well placed, it makes the person determined and courageous. The person will have high level of endurance and will not be easily suppressible. The person will not easily accept his defeat and stick to the fight against the odds. Well placed Mars gives a person authority, give good administrative skills and give him high position in life. 

The ill-placed Mars will cause many problems to the person like problems in health, weak will power, accidents, delay in marriage, hurdles in profession and child birth. 
The house that Mars resides in represents an area of the life that you'll express actions and desires. Your energies and initiative will be spent focusing on the affairs of this sector of the chart. Mars is assertive, sometimes causing conflict.  This house may periodically become a problem area for you in this regard.  

Here in this section, I am presenting the results of placement of Mars or Mangal in all the 12 houses of the horoscope or the  birth chart.
Mars in First HOUSE:

1.Their appearance is likely to be robust and muscular and may be stronger than other members of their family of the same sex. The Mars first house placement intensifies the assertiveness of the personality type described by your Ascendant. 

2. They are always adventure loving, brave, independent, assertive, outgoing and more energetic one to be directly involved in affairs; never an idle by stander.

3. They have drive and the aptitude for hard work, with a competitive drive for recognition and acclaim.

4. They are physically powerful, ambitious and will do anything to achieve their aims.
This indicates an enterprising, competitive character, athletic by nature.

5 They have increased physical energy, elements of selfishness, hastiness, and a flair for sport.

6. They have a tendency to take risks and are also prone to headaches. They are argumentative and frequently have marital problems

7.In case Mars is an adverse planet for the horoscope, he may be liable to suffer from troubles in the head or be involved in accidents. He may be bothered by his enemies.

8. He will be young looking and may have ruddy complexion, a scar on the temples or head and may suffer from piles. He may not be long-lived. He will be liable to get fever.

9. He may join a service where he may have to bear arms or may join an engineering profession.

10. They own property and are talented in mechanics.

11. This position is usually considered, by traditionalists, to be more desirable for men than for women, because it displays the assertive characteristics associated with males.

12. Females with this placement often have the self-confidence and competitive traits to enter and succeed in male dominated professions.

13. His mother may be rash and may have quick temper; she may be an active person and may be authoritative.

Mars in second HOUSE:

1. This Mars second house placement suggests that energies are spent in the pursuit of material and financial gains, and in this regard you are very resourceful.

2. You have a strong drive to earn money and an equally strong compulsion to spend it.

3. Mars in the second house poses the necessity to learn careful budgeting and proper handling of money, and neither is apt to be natural traits.

4. In a business sense, you are a very competitive person and you may be well qualified and inclined toward owning your own business. You are not afraid of taking a risk to meet your financial goals.

5.He would be irritable, poorly educated, and will have to work hard for success in life. It will not be so if Mars is placed in its own sign or in the sign of its exaltation.

6. This position creates a talkative and controversial sort of person. He may speak harshly or his speech will appear disagreeable to others.

7.This position is dangerous to the health  and longevity of spouse. His wife may either be extravagant or meet with a violent end. Mars is restricted in giving full results in this location.

8. The native may suffer from troubles in the eyes, piles, fistula etc.

9.He will live away from his place of birth. The native's children and his father will be rash and of quick temper.  The children will be very energetic and powerfully placed in life.

10.The native may spend his wealth over loose women and in meeting his expenses arising out of his dissolute habits. He may be irreligious and unfortunate. His younger sister/ brother may find that his secret enemies have grown powerful and active during  the  major-period  or  sub-periods  of  Mars. 

11.The younger  sister/brother  may  also  be  in  danger  of  being  confined  or getting injured in an attack by animals or robbers. His mother may be deceived or misguided by her friends.

12. They are skilled in mathematics, make money through real estate, and have
Interest in politics.

13. They are singers or have potential in broadcasting.

14. Usually they leave their parents while young or the parents are divorced.

15. They have an adulterous streak.

16. They go through periods of poverty but become wealthier later in life.

17. They are prone to Dental complaints, smoking propensities, voracious appetite and a critical nature.

Mars in Third HOUSE:

1. The native will be courageous, healthy, wise, and intelligent. A sharp, quick mind, and argumentativeness and sometimes aggression is seen.

2. The Mars third house placement denotes an aggressive, active intellect. You are quick thinking and resourceful, but you sometimes jump to conclusions a little too quickly.

3. Your speech is direct and sharp. You are apt to get into arguments with family members, and when you do, you are not the least bit shy about pointing out their personal deficiencies.

4. You are always rushed. You drive too fast, and you're a little too impatient when caught in traffic. In matters of the mind, you are highly competitive.

5. When Mars is adverse and weak, the native has to guard against ear trouble, injuries to his arms, accidents in short journeys and loss through correspondence.

6. Courage, accidents while on journeys. Loss of brothers and the ability to work hard for money as qualities of persons born with Mars here. The native may be prone to fits of violent temper.

7. These people are forceful speakers and can handle machines well. The ability to fight disease and a pioneering spirit may be noted as well. The native may have to face trouble through colleagues and neighbors.

8. School is enjoyed and good progress in studies is generally made. The native will have aptitude for Chemical or Mechanical Engineering.

9. He will have poor relations with his younger brothers/sisters, can communicate well and will love adventure.

10. The native's father will be rash and of quick temper who may lose his wealth in disputes. However, the father will in all probability overcome his enemies and come out successful in litigation.

11. An adverse Mars when in Samantha with Ketu or another malefic planet is also likely to make his elder sister miscarry.

12. They get property by inheritance or by their own efforts.

Mars in Fourth HOUSE:

1. The Mars fourth house placement shows energy will be spent on home improvements.

2. You have an aggressive drive for security, and you may have a strong sense of patriotism. Physically, this position is rewarding, because you are likely to retain a strong constitution, even into old age.

3. These are passionate people. Hard to be with intimately. They have
Sexual potency, a soft but competitive heart, ownership of land and property and
a reputation in their community. He will build or buy own property.

4. Loss of money by speculative investment occurs. This position is called KUJA-DOSHA, or "the spoiling effect of Mars," and it oftentimes results in divorce or dual marriage.

5. This placement usually shows injury by accident, maladjustment between mother and spouse, many family quarrels and squabbles, and often persons with this placement of Mars choose not to marry.

6. This is also the placement for the active do-it-yourself repairman, always busy fixing up or improving the home.

7. As this placement is also connected to the land, there may be interests in environmental and ecological movements, perhaps expressed in an active or militant manner.

8.If Mars is debilitated here and is associated with Ketu, the native will lose his mother shortly after his birth. He will suffer losses pertaining to family property. His life towards its close will be troublesome. He is likely to get involved in litigation over property.

9.The  mind  is likely to  be in  turmoil or  be violent, more so if the Moon and the owner of the fourth house are also influenced by Mars, the owner of the sixth house or Ketu.

10.There may be serious tensions in married life and the native may be at loggerheads with  his  elder  sister/brother. 

11. The native’s father will have difficult family life and he may lose his wealth in disputes.

12. The native is not likely to obtain an educational degree. He will face obstructions, and lack of help from parents. He is likely to face popular opposition.

13. Partnerships may be rushed into through an enthusiasm for family life. Parents will expect their children to be fun loving and noisy, and lively arguments will often occur.

Mars in Fifth HOUSE:

1. Those born with Mars in this house are powerful and command servants.

2. They have some deficiency in the matter of children, and should be satisfied with few.

3. They suffer insults. They lack sensitivity and lose their high positions.

4. This association of Mars with the fifth house shows a great expenditure of energies pursuing the pleasures of life, including romances.

5. You are athletic, impulsive, tense, and aggressive.

6. Mars in the fifth will expand on inclinations toward showing off, theater, or creative talent.

7. You have an active and aggressive sex drive, making you highly competitive in courtship, and jealousy during this period of your life may be apparent.

8. You love to compete, but may be a bad loser. Sociable, and a born promoter, you may be a bit self-indulgent, and at times, foolhardy. Many your activities and much of your energy may be related to children.

9. The energy level is considerable, and enthusiasm for sporting activity –from the bedroom to the sports field –is certain.

10. A tendency to take risks is very likely, and often money is wasted on gambling.
He will suffer losses due to excesses and speculation; He may be rash in speculation which may cause him losses. He will enjoy vigorous exercises.

11. He will be intelligent. His first child will have quick temper and be prone to accidents and injuries.

12.There will be threat to the life of the first child and the children will be disobedient.

13..This location indicates that the native's children will be born with surgical assistance.

14.The native may suffer from Ulcer and gas in the stomach, stomach troubles, piles, fistula etc.

15.The native will be attractive to the opposite sex and looking to the nature of Mars, there is possibility of scandals involving the native.

16. When Mars influences Mercury from this house, his mother may speak harshly which may be the cause of tension in the family.

Mars in sixth HOUSE:

1. The Mars sixth house placement suggests that, you are a hard and energetic worker. You don't hesitate to exert yourself in your job and you have no tolerance for laziness in those with whom you work. Whatever it is, you are likely to be one displaying a good deal of driving energy in your labors.

2. You have aggressive tendencies in the work place that may cause problems with your coworkers. Unless you learn to control your temper, you may find it difficult to exist harmoniously with coworkers.

3. You are a perfectionist, but sometimes, over concern with details can cause you to miss the major issues.

4. These are determined people who can shoulder a burden. They are handsome in appearance, of strong sex potency. And are good in debate, Athletics and litigation.

5. They are demanding or overbearing. They have success far away from their birthplace and enjoy being in a rural environment. will earn well and will fulfill your desires by working hard.

7. He will be angry and passionate. The native will have difficulties with his servants.

8. The native's father will be rash and will have bad temper.

9. In a female nativity it indicates accidents, difficult and life threatening labor and miscarriages.

10. Mars here may cause boils or wounds. Mars in its own house here is likely to make the native join service.

11. An afflicted and weak Mars is likely to be bad for the younger sister/ brother of native's mother. It is also not good for the younger sister/brother of the native. They may suffer from illnesses during the sub-periods of Mars in the major-period of owner of the second, eighth or the tenth house.

12. It will give results of its placement in the second house to his children. A powerful and good Mars here is excellent for his father. Such a Mars will raise the father to a very high position in life.

13. Mars here will invigorate the nervous system and encourage a lively mind that particularly enjoys verbal battles.

14. Hasty decision-making can cause premature action. Stress should be worked off with exercise..

Mars in seventh HOUSE:

1.He will be restless, irritable and argumentative.
2.He will have to work hard for success in life.
3.He is not likely to have friendly relations with women, his relations with his wife will be difficult and there may be separation from spouse. He will have a strongly sexual nature.

4. He will suffer losses in litigation. The wife will be unhealthy and short lived.

5. If the planet is close to the cusp of this house it is likely to make the fixing up of the marriage of the native very difficult. Several proposals will not materialize.

6. He is likely to face opposition. He may suffer losses through litigation.

7. His younger sister/brother will have his source of worry and trouble in his children, or he may have recurrent colic pain in his stomach.

8. The native's second child may not live, or may suffer seriously from illnesses. His elder sister/brother may have strained relations with his father.

9. A vibrant and long-lasting sex life is important here. There is also a great willingness and determination to work together for the relationship’s future stability. However, a quarrelsome temperament is likely, which could be disruptive.

10. The Mars seventh house placement often shows problems in marital relations and in dealings with business partners.

11. You may get married at a young age, or too quickly without due forethought. The marital partner, close friends and business partners are likely to possess aggressive natures, and impulsive behavior stemming from these relationships is predictable.

12. This is a good position for work in sales, because you are very competitive. They are good salespersons or work well in public situations.  In this field, necessary tact in dealing with associates must be learned.

13. These are well-known people who are staunch and energetic. They should expect to get a passionate and controversial mate. They are athletic, they own property, their mate often predeceases them, and they do a lot of travelling in their lives.

Mars in Eighth HOUSE:

1. Mars in Eighth house: This man is very sexy, pragmatic, and sensitive. Sex life has for him a great value. He will be of weak constitution but will have strong sex drive. The sex drive needs above average fulfillment. Sexual desire is very strong, intense and persistent. Desires and feelings are strong, high energy, aggression and intense will and determination.

2. The Mars eighth house placement denotes eye-diseases and the native may also suffer from piles, fistula etc. Mars here may cause boils or wounds.

3. An adverse Mars with a Node or aspected by one, may make the native get involved in an accident. Accidental death is also possible. All kinds of threats to life and health  are shown.

4. The married life of native is poor. His wife will be extravagant. His income may dry up. He will not be wealthy.

5. His death can be violent. He will suffer losses due to theft and fire. The native is likely to die of wounds or due to poison or injury by weapon.

6. The native's father will face danger to his life.

7. The married life of native's parents must also have been poor.

8. Mars here for Aries ascendant is considered good.

9. The eighth is a malefic house and Mars in this place usually results in marital troubles, fruitless travels and participation in dangerous or destructive work. Longevity may be affected adversely, and there are quarrels leading to litigation.

10. On the positive side, these people have strong senses, gain property by inheritance and have convincing speech.

11. Both emotional and physical energy are strong here. Aggression is evident and should be burned up through martial arts or heavy team games. Obsessive behavior can be a problem.

12. The Mars eighth house placement denotes strength in investigating, credit management or investigation, scientific researching or investigating, and generally, extracting information in nearly any field.

13. You may have special talents in several fields such as medicine, finance, law enforcement, or troubleshooting problem areas in a wide range of occupations.

 14. In whatever field you labor, you are a specialist at getting things done and solving problems that require some digging.

15. You are likely to have conflicts involving joint finances, corporate finances, or personal inheritances.

16. Favorable aspect for politicians, surgeons, psychologists, psychiatrists and experimenters. The very idea of ​​death interests and attracts him.

17. The death of him is almost always unexpected.

18. These people successfully manage other people's money if they can become the head of the general fund.


1. The Mars in ninth house in your chart shows an active interest in travel, outdoor sports and religious or philosophical causes. You always have the courage of your convictions and a forceful approach to promoting your ideas.

2. The person does not get possession of full share of ancestral property.

3. You can sway others to your beliefs with sheer enthusiasm, and you become very upset and impatient when you can't.

4. When it comes to travel, you are adventurous, and if the means are available, you will spend a good deal of time traveling abroad.

5. You are aggressive in your pursuit of education and personal development.

6. The native will face difficulties due to his father. They are enthusiastic about philosophical things but force themselves on others. Violent propensities and lack of closeness with the father are notable.

7. The parents and younger brother will be rash and short tempered. He is likely to face legal problems.

8. Long and overseas journeys can be dangerous. He will not have many friends but he will be ambitious and will have urge to forge ahead in life.

9. He will tend to do well in life after 27 years of age. He will be successful.

10. If the Moon is either weak or afflicted and Mars is a seriously adverse planet, the mother may not live long.

11. Such a Mars when it influences the Sun may cause heart ailment to his father.

12. The native may be of bad conduct and may face a threat of imprisonment. If Rahu influences the twelfth house, the threat of imprisonment will be very real.

13. There is intelligence, but hastiness in speech and a hurried approach to study does not bode well for examination results.

14. They are troubled by anger, harassment from the government and unproductive investments in properties, machinery or other things signified by Mars.


1.He will be ambitious, persevering and successful but will be self centered.

2.The native will face slander and unfounded allegations and will  face  the  possibility  of  falling  from  his  high  position. 

3. An unaspected Mars close to the cusp of this house and unassisted, makes the native argumentative, rash, sharp of mind and shrewd.

4. If the planet is powerful and unblemished, the native will have much power, riches and authority.

5. This is a daring, forceful and pioneering character, skilled in the execution of their work and successful in mechanics, real estate, operation of machinery, agriculture, travel industries, etc.
The native can be a Mechanical or Electrical engineer or an employee of the armed or uniformed service, well versed in the science of mantras, a physical culturist, or a surgeon.

6. You have initiative and executive ability to support your professional ambitions. This is a power position that doesn't enhance your concern for human values necessarily, unless traits of sensitivity are shown elsewhere in the chart. Still, it's usually a strong indicator of leadership potential, despite the rest of the chart. His best years will be 28th and 58th. Mars in Leo in this house gives great progress in life and profession.

7. A bad Mars will bring about loss of younger sister/ brother through violent means. Such a Mars along with an afflicted Moon is bad for the longevity of mother, and the native's and his wife's mental equilibrium.

8. If in place of the Moon, Jupiter is afflicted, he may lose his eldest child. A bad Mars is liable to cause trouble through servants, enemies, litigation or maternal uncle to the native's children.

9. They are controversial, energetic and suffer insult or persecution. They get
Praised for their dutiful services, but are impulsive and can be traitorous. They like pets, exercise, controversy; they can be cruel and competitive.

10. Energy, enthusiasm, and the ability to work hard and aggressively are all present, as is a sense of urgency for progress. The armed forces could be a likely career path.

11. Mars in the tenth house denotes the desire for fame, status and high position irresistible. Such a person tends to occupy the highest positions in politics, administration and engineering profession.

12. In order to accelerate career advancement is ready to make a lot of work and effort. Improper use of energy can lead to a loss of prestige, so he should be careful to respect and protect their reputation.

13. Possible separation from her father, associated with its excessive dominance. Aspect favors military and technical occupations. This proactive, agile and energetic political leader.

14. Professional ambition eventually makes him famous. The defeat of the planet creates a temptation to come to power through fraudulent manipulation, fraud and struggles without rules. If you find concealed negative actions there is a danger of overthrowing and spread bad rumors. To excessive material and financial ambition, a tendency to ignore the common human values ​​and the desire to achieve power at any cost. Impulsiveness and passion, the power of instincts and indomitable will can prevail over good sense and intelligence.

15. Excessive desire for independence and self-manifestation of aggressiveness lead to major strife and more disorder. The spirit of freedom and passion for conquest sometimes encourage such a person to act to its detriment. He is prone to extravagance and the confluence of the extremes.

16. Great risk of disagreements with parents, scandals and unexpected discredit. Marked excess of courage, enterprise and personal energy. Such a person is always able to find a job. Inclined to reach success in the classroom, is the nature of Mars.

17. Effectiveness of career moves associated with courage, administrative ability and the ability to motivate others. Not impossible to obtain a large inheritance from his father.
18. Success in engineering classes, engraving, architecture, constructive activities, profession surgeon and metals trading. Such a person, in a crowd, in a critical situation is the most determined and fearless. He is very pretentious and prone to dictatorship. Skepticism and carping connected with the rapidity of judgment and high opinion of himself.

19. The main reason for losses - restless aggressiveness and convulsive impatience. Obsessive desire for conquest and personal freedom weakens. Life is full of ups and downs. Property and financial situation is unstable. Such a person is moody and passionate, often quarrels with his superiors, and therefore at risk of losing position reached.

20. He is professionally active, but the tendency to conduct the struggle for existence has been steadily increasing the intensity of conflict. Such a person is asserting itself in power and finds itself in the consciousness of power.

21. In the team, He is often in disagreements and prone to confrontation. Even small conflicts to end a devastating disorder risk and catastrophic rupture.

22. Entire professional life is full of struggle and rivalry. Such a person is hard to find suitable jobs or kept on the job long enough. His character is rampant and poorly controlled. Such a person is distinguished by a multitude of interests and aptitudes, a wide range of abilities. It is easily excitable, irritable quickly differs persistent dedication, exacting and demanding of yourself to others. Almost always overestimate the opportunities and available forces.


1. This is - the leader of the society and a born propagandist. He easily gets friends and acquaintances, but as easy to lose them because of their stubborn and excessive demands in relation to others.

2. He is energetic and enthusiastic, but can be very vulnerable and very sensitive, which is why it is prone to rather disappointing. He puts a lot of energy into creative activity. He should try to develop a care in actions and respect for others.

3. He is energetic, enterprising and adventurous in friendship and group activities. Agile and spirited friends support him in business, work and realize their professional plans.

4. These people have a knack in mechanics and love to invent new technical devices. 
Often, they give all their efforts to reform society.

5. The defeat of the planet determines dissatisfaction with the existing system, the revolutionary trend and tendency not to improve life, to overthrow the rulers. In this case, there are lot of quarrels and disagreements with the team members. 

6. Impulsivity in communicating with friends can lead to physical damage and traumatic clashes. Relationships with friends are full of disagreements and misunderstandings.

7. Glory to such people is questionable, often with their name associated scandals and noisy trouble. Real friends, they have a bit about them though they do not tend to care. The main reason for failure - lack of restraint and impulsiveness. With the defeat of the planet, possible loss of friends and a lot of the difficulties associated with the optional unreliable friends.

8. Happiness of individuals is variable; they often run the risk of losing reputation. Educate their children not too successfully.

9. Their social life is hectic and bizarre, so fraught with many troubles, errors, and collisions. Family life is a man full of turmoil and separation, relations with subordinates and superiors more than problematic.

10. He will realize his ambitions with the help of his friends but he will face opposition and dispute also from them.

11. The friends will be few and if there is a watery sign here, they will turn inimical later. If an adverse Saturn influences Mars here the native stands in danger of severe accident or injury.

12. If Jupiter is adverse and it is influenced by an unfavorable Mars, the native  will  face  trouble  from  judiciary  and losses through friends.

 13. His enemies will be suppressed and he may be successful in litigation. He may have to face problems connected with the birth of or affairs of his children.

14. He may speak rudely and may be fond of non vegetarian food. His elder sister/brother will be irritable but energetic.

15. A limited number of children are usually seen here. They are brave and have their desires fulfilled.


1.He will be indebted, and lonely and will have strained relations with his younger brothers/sisters.

2. He will have strong sex urge. He is not likely to have an upright moral character and will have liaisons with several women.  There is a tendency to secret love affairs.

3. The marriage will show signs of failure. He may be violently opposed to his wife.

4.  There   is   danger   of   the   native   getting   imprisoned, especially so if Rahu also influences the twelfth house or its owner. He will suffer from secret enemies. He can be injured by robbers and quadrupeds.

5. Loss of a mate, adulterous tendencies, dental problems and unwise expenditures are likely with Mars in this sinful house. He may have eye trouble.

6. He is likely to lose his mother around the age of 27 years and may face a serious financial reverse in his 45th year. His mother may suffer from fistula or piles problems.

7. You are secretive about your work or you prefer working alone and perhaps even in seclusion. Unconscious anger needs to be brought into the open and understood.

8. It will make the younger sister/brother and father of the native angry and irritable and the native or his eldest child may have to undergo surgery.

9. They have difficulty keeping their promises, suffer from disturbed sleep, and, if
Female, may have trouble with childbirth or pregnancy.

10. They get bored easily and change their environment or their partners in search of excitement. They have hard time saving money.

11. A powerful and beneficial Mars here will raise his younger sister/brother to a very high and powerful position in life. It will give results of its placement in the second house to his elder sister/brother.

12. Such a person struggles to help the suffering and miserable. Often it becomes a good head doctor or hospital deserves gratitude warden.

13. Often this house Mars is related with strange injuries, ill health, accidents and any disabilities. Such a person must guard against scandals, conflicts, financial collapse, fraud and deception.

14. In marriage and work these people tend to loneliness and isolation from the world. They tend to act in secret, trying to avoid the open resistance of the medium. They carefully conceal their motives, desires and beliefs.

15. Such a person needs to give more space hard to deter aggression; otherwise it distorts the mental structure.

16. Great risk of exposure to libel and scandals. Troubles, in particular, damage to the body and limiting the freedom of excessive impulsivity, activity secret enemies and gravity to meaningless adventures.

17. The early years of a man marked by many challenges, difficulties and troubles. Intense and powerful feelings prevail over reason and appear very early, causing the imbalance of nature and excessive self-conceit.

18. Misfortune can be caused by a subordinate or employee. Great risk of false accusations and slander. Great danger of violent death and suicide.

19. Very dangerous recklessness in decisions, temper and aggressiveness in action. Such a person must cultivate honesty, generosity and sense of justice.



  1. Mars is a planet that rules the sign of Aries, and traditionally Scorpio. Its main paradox hides in the fact that it is in charge of our first breath and the last one, the beginning of life shown through the start of the zodiacal circle, and its end in the deadly sign of Scorpio. Although it is always seen as responsible for war, hurt, destruction, and fights, Mars is simply an unconscious animalistic nature we don’t give enough freedom to.
    Top Astrologer in Brooklyn

  2. If we wish to describe the effect Mars has on the entire zodiac, we have to understand that it represents the beginning of all beginnings. It is our first breath and our first scream, being the one responsible for the body we have and the incarnation we are in at the moment. As a strong symbol of unchangeable fate and karma, Mars is often seen as the greatest malefic in Eastern traditions, while Saturn seems to be its evil “counterpart” in the West.
    Indian Astrologer in USA

  3. Mars is all that is hot, spicy, red, flaming, and sharp. It is a knife and a gun, a weapon of any sorts, and anything that has the ability to inflict pain. Whatever it comes to contact with has a tendency to be bruised and hurt, unless if our boundaries are strong and instincts respected.
    Indian Astrologer in California

  4. Mars is a man wearing a uniform and a young shooter that aims high. It is the energy that helps us keep our head up high and pushes us forwards, which is why its retrograde movement is often felt as the most difficult of all backwards movements in the zodiacal circle.
    Astrologer in London
