Sunday 15 December 2013

Your Birthday number (PART- 4)

Your Birthday number (PART- 4)
(Birthday number 15 TO 20)

Born on the 16th of the month

1. Your birth on the 16th day of the month gives a sense of loneliness and generally the desire to work alone.
2. You are relatively inflexible, and insist on your being independent.
3. You need a good deal of time to rest and to meditate. You are introspective and a little stubborn. Because of this, it may not be easy for you to maintain permanent relationships, but you probably will as you are very much into home and family.
4. This birth day inclines to interests in the technical, the scientific, and to the religious or the unknown realm of spiritual explorations.
5. The date gives you a tendency to seek unusual approaches and makes your style seem a little different and unique to those around you.
6. Your intuition is aided by the day of your birth, but most of your actions are bedded in logic, responsibility, and the rational approach.
7. You may be emotional, but have a hard time expressing these emotions. Because of this, there may be some difficulty in giving or receiving affection.
8. You have a fine analytical mind that is capable of penetrating beneath the surface of the subject at hand. Investigate the subjects you love and gain the depth of knowledge in these fields.
9. You prefer to work alone, rather than in a group. You can easily lose interest in your projects, however, and must work hard to finish what you start. You have to have faith and let opportunities come your way, you may miss out if you reach and seek.
10. The great pitfall you face is the choice of becoming aloof, mental, and critical. This will result in alienation and even bitterness. You can also easily lift off the ground, becoming impractical and dreamy. If you indulge too much in flight of fancy, you may drift from reality and give up the possibility of earning an adequate living.
11. You have excellent intuition and may even possess psychic ability. Trust your intuition and use it as a guide in life. But at all times, be practical in your application of your insights.
12. Pick a field that suits you — science, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, teaching, for example — and deepen yourself in its understanding. But beware of becoming overly dogmatic and shut off from the truths of others.
13. Your over-powering orientation is toward the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life. Your challenge is to find a way to ground that desire and understanding in practical terms so that it can be effectively shared with others.
14. You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don’t share your feelings easily, nor do you communicate them well. The realm of the heart troubles you for its shifting, nebulous qualities. You must work hard to understand this area of life.
15. You like to spend time alone to contemplate and meditate, but have to be careful not to withdraw too much. Long-term relationships are not easily established nor maintained.
16. Living close to nature benefits you immensely.
17. There are chances of romantic love affairs in your life.
18. Professions suited for you are: science, teaching, astrology, philosophy, psychology, detective work, writing, export, Software technology.poets, musicians.

Born on the 17th of the month

1. Your birth on the 17th day of the month suggests that you are very lucky financially, because this date is very good for business interest and a solid business sense.
2. Although you are probably very honest and ethical, this birthday enables you to be shrewd and successful in the world of business and commercial enterprise.
3. You have excellent organizational, managerial, and administrative capabilities enabling you to handle large projects and significant amounts of money with relative ease.
4. You are ambitious and highly goal-oriented, although you may be better at starting projects than you are at finishing them.
5. Sensitivity in your nature, often repressed below the surface of awareness, makes it hard to give or receive affection.
6. You are highly ambitious, and blessed with excellent business and financial instincts. Your approach to business is original, creative, and daring. You are highly independent.
7. You have very sound judgment. You are an excellent manager and organizer will the ability to see the larger picture.
8. Your challenge is to avoid becoming obsessed with your own judgment and power to the point that you refuse to delegate authority or responsibility to others.
9. You can easily slip into the role of dictator — benevolent or otherwise — feeling that you and only you have sufficiently sound judgment to guide the ship.
10. You are self-confident and have high expectations of yourself. You tend to be dramatic, especially with money.
11. You have a need for status and may show off the fruits of your labor with an impressive car or house.
12. Whether it is business or socially oriented, you have a big dream. Your ambitions spread out far and wide and you will not rest until you have placed your mark on the world.
13. You love your home and family and like to be complemented. Avoid becoming domineering or possessive of your enterprise. Share the fruits of your labours with others, which will multiply your pleasure manifold.
14. Professions suited for you are: Law, business, accountancy, and engineering

Born on the 18th of the month

1. Your birthday on the 18th day of the month suggests than you are one who can work well with a group, but still remain someone who needs to maintain individual identity.
2. There is a humanistic or philanthropic approach to business circumstances in which you find yourself.
3. You may have good executive abilities, as you are very much the organizer and administrator. You are broad-minded, tolerant and generous; a compassionate person that can inspire others with imaginative ideas.
4. Some of your feelings may be expressed, but even more of them are apt to be repressed. There is a lot of drama in your personality and in the way you express yourself to others. Oddly enough, you don't expect as much in return as you give.
5. You are a born leader, an efficient manager, capable of organizing and inspiring others.
6. You are especially talented in the areas of politics, religion, art, and law. You are highly creative and have an excellent understanding of people.
7. You are broadminded and should be educated in several different fields, particularly the arts. Many great artists are found under this number.
8. You tend to be a late bloomer and must be willing to take your time before choosing a profession. You need experience and exposure to many different types of people before you find the one area in which you will specialize.
9. You can relate to people in all walks of life. You will do quite a bit of travelling and go through many changes. At bottom, you have a great dream for humanity. Your deepest satisfaction lies with performing some task that will benefit others.
10. You are able to express your feelings well, though a bit dramatically at times. You have a calm and even aristocratic appearance. However, beneath it there is a sense of frustration with not having received your due in life — either from parents, co-workers, or your community.
11. Your challenge is to learn acceptance and forgiveness. There is an element of sacrifice in your life.
12. You need to let go of all negative attachments. Any thoughts of revenge will backfire badly against you.  You must control your anger.
13. If you live selfishly you may face changes, losses and disappointments. You need to employ your spiritual and philosophical outlook in all matters in which the balance seems to have been struck against you.
 14. You attract money from all work that is service oriented. The more you do for others, the more you receive – – spiritually and materially — in return.
15. A great deal of travelling is indicated.
16. You face problems of ego and adjustment.
17. You may not have a lasting marriage.
18.  Professions suited for you are: Law, teaching, foreign services, music, writing and engineering

Born on the 19th of the month.

1. You are very active, energetic and enthusiastic. You are courageous and have force of character.

2. You have an aptitude for research and like to handle subjects in systematic and methodical ways. 

3. You take quick decisions and always like to keep yourself busy in some concrete project or the other. 
4. Your main hobby is sports, and you are interested in several games such as horse-riding, shooting, and other athletic games.

5. You are hasty and impetuous in love affairs which end in quarrels.  

6. You like to help others even when it means going out of your way.  You have the ability to maintain the secrets of others who have confidence in you. 

7. You are obstinate and find it difficult to extend co-operation to others.  You are prudent and notice even a trivial thing. 

8. You are not an excellent speaker but can explain yourself best in writing.  You can therefore be a good writer.

9. You are very expressive and positive in word, act and feeling. 
10. Your birth on the 19th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your life path. But at the same time, it poses a number of obstacles to overcome before you are able to be as independent as you would like.
11. The number 1 energy suggests more executive ability and leadership qualities than your path may have indicated. A birthday on the 19th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach; but with this, a somewhat self-centred approach to life that may be in conflict with some of the other influences in your life.
12. This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.
13. You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed. You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations.
14. You do not tend to follow convention or take advice very well. Consequently, you tend to learn through experience; sometimes hard experiences. The 19/1 is a loner number and you may experience feelings of being alone even if you are married. You may take on a tendency to be nervous and anger more easily.
15. You are highly determined and yearn for independence. You tend to struggle to achieve the degree of self- sufficiency you desire, and may endure considerable frustration in your struggle for independence.
16. Your central lesson in your life is to learn the difference between the dream of independence and the reality of interdependence.
17. Your challenge is to achieve a wider degree of perspective on yourself and others. Exchange ideas with others, lest you become insulated and isolated by your own perspective.
18. You can be highly stubborn, which emanates from fear. You are highly ambitious and have a strong drive for success and power. Although self confident, you like to be encouraged.
19. You are a hard worker and an important fixture in any enterprise in which you are involved. People are attracted to your deep commitment to your work, and the steadiness with which you do it.
20. You are a pioneer at heart; you are willing to take risks to get what you desire. As such, you are willing to change your environment often, and even enjoy doing so.
21. You are demonstrative in your affections and willing to sacrifice for others. You are highly idealistic, but if your ideals fail, you can become bitter and negative.
22. You are very sensitive, with many emotional ups and downs. You tend to find yourself in dramatic situations, yet you like to control your emotions in public and come off as if everything is under control.
23. With your determination and inventive and creative mind you have potential for achievement and financial reward!
24. Professions suited for you are: Law, Teaching, marketing, consultancy, engineering, and aviation.
25. After the age of 40, you are most likely to have BP, heart, eye problems.

Born on the 20th of the month

1. You have large social circle and many friends and you benefit through wealthy women.  You usually prosper after marriage.

2. You have a flair for writing and can make a name as an author or a novelist. 

3. Your prosperity lies near water, i.e. a river or the sea. 
4. This birth-date shown new plans, and new resolutions for the betterment of people at large.
5. If this date comes in connection with the future events, it shows delays. 

6. Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading.
7. The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly. Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group.
8. You have a warm-hearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection. You are affectionate and answer every call for help.

9. You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil.

10. It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in. When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely affectionate.
11. You are highly sensitive and very impressionable. You possess great awareness and can sense the feelings of others, even when they try to hide their inner thoughts.
12. You are highly emotional as well, which makes you all the more subject to the changing winds within your surroundings. All of this creates a great need to develop and maintain your own centre. Once you have accomplished this task, life will become more manageable and less threatening.
13. You are especially moved by beauty, harmony, and love. You give affection and need much in return, especially need physical affection. You like to spend time with family and friends.
14. Your talent lies in your keen insight and your willingness act as an advisor to those who are able to wield power. You operate best as “the power behind the throne”.
15. You are less an initiator than one who sees a project through to completion. You are good with details, not much escapes your attention.
16. You are modest, diplomatic and polite. You have the ability to persuade others to your point of view by using gentle means. You are brilliant at making others think they are brilliant.
17. Your high sensitivity makes you aware of other people’s feelings. You must develop the ability to truly see how necessary you are to the success of any enterprise you enter.
18. You are the glue that binds projects together. Speak up for yourself when necessary, but learn to quietly go about your business, confident in the fact that you are fundamental to any success.
19. Professions suited for you are: Teaching, writer, actor, musician, and consultancy

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