Friday 4 October 2013

Numerology and your child’s personality (Part 2)

Numerology and your child’s personality
(Part 2)

 Numerology can give you a deeper understanding of your child’s unique personality and help you work out the best way to connect with them which can help you parent them in a more informed and enlightened manner.   Knowing your child's type gives you information you can use for better parenting. It can also reveal what life path best suits them.  Will your children do well in school? Are their certain subjects or areas that they will excel in, or have difficulty in? Numerology can help you find the answer to these questions.

In this article, you will learn about the nine numerology archetypes of Childs personality.

First, we just need to calculate your child’s Birth Day number :-

Birth Day Calculation:-

Your Birthday number is the date of the month you were born on, reduced to a single digit by fadic addition.

For example, if your child is born on January 13th, 2010, so his Birthday number is (4) as shown below.

Birthday = (Day part of your birth date) = (13) = (1 + 3) = (4)

The Birth Day number values and their Effects on education are listed below:-

Birth Day (1) - Individualist

1) These children are such individualist, that you should encourage them to be part of a team at an early age.

2) Participation in team sports or groups are a good way to foster this skill.

3) They will usually show some skill at writing or acting at an early age; which should be encouraged.

4) Teachers need to use a firm hand to keep these children under control.

5) These children will do extremely well in a leadership positions and as managers.


Birth Day (2) - Sensitive

1) These children will tend to be shy and avoid asking questions in class..

2) You will need to ask their teachers to watch for this trait, and encourage your child to ask for help when they don't understand something.

3) Help them to not worry too much about school, and praise their work.  Sensitivity, cooperation and balance are their traits

4) These children will always try hard in class, and should be rewarded for their efforts

5) These children don't share with the public easily and like to keep things private. They value friendship and are honest in their approach.


Birth Day (3) - Communicators

1) These children are full of energy and fun.

2) They communicate well and should be given an education where free expression is encouraged.

3) These children will be excellent readers and natural debaters from an early age.

4) They also tend to excel at Math and Music, so encourage their efforts in these areas.

 5) They may have problems with hyper activity, and need an outlet for their nervous energy.

Birth Day (4) - Achievers

1) These children may have trouble when first introduced to school life, but once they acclimate, look out. They can't get enough of school work.

2) They quickly master new ideas, and tend to love Math, science, and computer studies.

3) Traits associated with children born on these dates include hard work, detail oriented and organizational skills.

4) They are determined to achieve their goals and do not mind letting go of their desires to achieve professional success.

5) These children make excellent students, striving to become their teachers favourite.

Birth Day (5) - Thinkers

1) These children may have trouble focusing in school; they tend to become bored easily.

2) They tend to be impatient and go off on tangents that interest their inquiring minds.

 3) These children tend to develop strong interest in science, history, or geography.

4) They tend to specialize in things that interest them, and will have school records that are up and down. In the things that spark their interest they truly excel.

Birth Day (6) - Partners

1) These children tend to be favourites with their classmates.

2) They are kind to others and tend to excel as part of a team or group.

 3) Competition is a key motivator for these children, and you should use this to advantage.

4) You need to check and be sure that these children are challenged by their class work, make sure that they aren't bored in school.

5) Traits associated with children born on these dates include beauty, peace and aesthetics.

 6) They will do well in a creative profession.


Birth Day (7) - Dreamers

1) These children have powerful imaginations, and tend to be very good at creative writing.

2) They tend to be quite in class, and need to be encouraged to participate in team activities such as sports.

3) Help them to develop friendships and interact with others.

4) These children tend to benefit from tutoring and one on one interaction with teachers.

5) They tend to learn foreign languages easily, and should be encouraged to take advantage of this gift.

6) Traits associated with these children born on these dates include wisdom, knowledge and intelligence.

7) They are likely to achieve a lot in life and will be drawn towards academics.


Birth Day (8) - Leaders

1) These children are full of confidence and tend to become class leaders.

 2) They will fight for their rights from an early age.

3) School work comes easily for them compared to others; their work is polished and well prepared.

4) They don't take coming in second well in any field; so you may need to help them understand that school is not a battlefield.

Birth Day (9) - Extroverts

1) These children tend to do best in school environments which are loosely structured.

2) They like free reign, and resent too much discipline in school.

3) They are born researchers, and love to work on school projects where they can work with little structure or supervision.

4) They have problems in environments where misbehaviour and anger against authority are present.

5) keep them in schools where discipline is maintained, and they will do well.

6) Traits associated with children born on these dates include humanitarian, romantic and generous.

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