Wednesday 10 July 2013

YOUR BIRTH NUMBER AND YOUR precautions In Your Daily Life

In Your Daily Life

Following precautions should be taken:

Birth number 1
 (Born on 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month)
·         1) You should avoid overspending, especially for false Show off. And the reckless extravagance in relation to friends and guests. This would lead him to his unbalanced finance budget.
2) You must avoid speculation and gambling. He is bound to lose quite often. This may lead to poverty.
3) Avoid the urge of
to be too independent.
4) Excessive financial risks should be avoided.
5) Do not unduly trust especially your relatives.
6) Avoid
Excessive sensuality and Attachment to women can bring you bad name.

Birth number 2
 (Born on 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th of any month)

·         1) You must not lose your confidence or lose heart over small things. You must not lose courage or quickly fall in love.
2) You must finish the work you start and stick to your decisions.
3) You must face every calamity without hurry and with a cool mind.
You must remain independent. You should not postpone your work for others, do not waste energy waiting for any help in the work. You must avoid flattering friends.
5) You must avoid taking important decisions on a full-moon day.
6) You must not go in deep waters.
You should avoid swimming or boating in the deep places.
7) You must engage in sports that can be practiced in the open air.
8) You should avoid eating, not suitable for the stomach and heart.

Birth number 3
 (Born on 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month)
·         1) You should avoid unnecessary disputes;
·         2) You must be careful to spend money. Money comes easily to you and from various sources, but you are just as easily gone on ornaments and conveniences that cause financial instability.
·         3) You should avoid overeating and eating too heavy and hot spices.
·         4) You must control your anger. You must respect your life partners. You should avoid pride.
·         5) you should be able in time to relax and avoid taking on more work and responsibility than you can handle, otherwise it will cause stress.
6) You may lack self-discipline and accomplish very little. You normally Fear a routine life
·         7) You must make prudent investments, about twenty five percent of your earning in fixed deposits for your old age. The earlier you start the better it would be for you.
8) You must avoid company of low
9)You are bound to be robbed off your piety and peace of mind in such company.

Birth number 4
 (Born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month)
1) You need to develop a less critical approach to life and have more trust in people. If possible, you should remember the famous saying of the Buddha: “I doubt in all – and then doubt the most doubt.” 2) You must avoid the inclination of being lonely and isolated.
3) You must avoid being pessimistic and sad once you face defeat.
4) You must avoid being hypersensitive and over strung.
5) You must learn to accept hurdles in your advancement.
6) You must learn to recognize the opportunities that come your way because you would be sudden and for a short
7) You must avoid the urge to make or break friendships quickly. Number 4 persons must measure people for your intellectual and moral worth and only then make friends.
8) Number 4 persons can take quick decisions, but your execution at the very end is indecisive and arbitrary. This results in losses.
9) You must not be too aggressive in your temperament.
10) You must not spend unnecessarily. If making money requires creativity then spending it requires ten times more creativity.
11) Number 4 persons must save twenty five percent of your wealth for emergencies and old age.
12) You must not be unduly intolerant. There are people who may not be able to match your speed.
13) Anger would lead to a weak memory in your old age.
14) You must protect the health of your spouse.
15) You must not make false promises. You must say   no to a thing which is beyond your reach.
16) Keep away from animals, as you are likely to be injured by to them.

Birth number 5
 (Born on 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month)

1) You must not remain in sad and depressive surroundings. You easily feel restlessness and get bored very quickly
2) You must go for a morning walk in the open. The ideal time for a walk is just before sunrise. If you cannot manage it then the next best option is a walk in the evenings. You must take a brisk walk daily for thirty minutes.
3) You must protect your blood from impurities. You must ensure regular doses of vitamins and calcium in addition your regular intake of food.
4) You must protect yourself against cough, cold and flu.
5) You must avoid speculations which are dangerous or risky. You are bound to lose heavily.
·         6)You must not in any way to lose a sense of humor and cheerful disposition;
·         7)You should not, when irritated, to use his caustic, stinging and sharp tongue;
·         8)You must cease to be too critical;
·         9)You should avoid stress, heart and nervous stress;
·         10)You should not be shunned by children and avoid the entertainment;
·         11)You should stop all the time to hurry;
·         12)You should stop straining your eyes – when reading at night, while watching television;
·         13)You should avoid incorrect judgments about people, instead you should create an atmosphere of trust in respect of his friends and well wishers;
·         14)You have to overcome anger and avoid excessive reflections;
·         15)You have to constantly train your composure, confidence, peace of mind and courage;
·         16)You should be more patient in relation to family and friends;
·         17)You should avoid fatalism;
·         18)You have to be less stubborn.
·         Birth number 6
 (Born on 6th, 15th or 24th of any month)
·         1) You should avoid laziness;
·         2)You should be easily persuaded;
·         3) You should learn to check people before you trust. Before engaging in any financial or physical relationship, women should learn to check what others have said;
·         4)You should avoid arguments and wasting your energy, explaining his conduct to others;
·         5)You want the best success when you work slowly, you should avoid the attack, because it spoils the projects;
·         6)You should avoid overplay and emotionality in relation to sexual partners;
·         7)You should avoid heavy physical work, because your constitution is not suitable for such work;
·         8) You must not forget the people who have wronged them, and not waste his energy in vain, by entering into revenge. Nurturing dissatisfaction and thinking about unpleasant events of the past, you only undermine the nervous system;
·         9)You should avoid drugs because you are prone to addiction.
·         10)You should avoid unnecessary affair;
·         11)You should avoid sugary foods, oils and fats, and very spicy food;
·         12)You should take regular morning walks and massage your body three or four times a week;
·         13)You must be properly organize your life, schedule, and do not spend too much time on the water sports;
·         14)You need to save money “for a rainy day”.
·         Birth number 7
 (Born on 7th, 16th or 25th of any month)
·         1) Before you take any projects, you need to carefully delve into your essence;
·         2)You must carefully weigh the positive and negative aspects of work, estimate the time and labor that would be required to expend for the tasks;
·         3)You are advised not to waste energy, taking on the intractable problem;
·         4)You should be happy to accept any changes and do not cling to your own thoughts;
·         5)You should not speak with disdain about the culture from which you emerged;
·         6)You should work independently, trying to be self-sufficient and not depend on the opinions of others;
·         7)You should not underestimate your talents and have courage to start your own projects;
·         8)You should never lose vigilance, be sincere and dedicated to your work and not get involved in futile dreams;
·         9)You should avoid to be humble, to be too sentimental and emotionally involved in the affairs of others;
·         10)You must avoid the rush and making quick decisions; Women with a birth number 7 should avoid anxiety;
·         11)You should learn to be punctual;
·         You should avoid excessive smoking, drugs and alcohol;
·         12)You should work on your body, engage in physical and manual labor, as well as to stabilize the mind to do breathing exercises;
·         13)People with birth number 7 should be around flowers and green plants, and before you get up in the morning from the bed to watch these flowers are recommended, inspiring and filled with inner strength;
·         14)You should not make fun of your religion, for that matter, over any other;
·         15)You must respect your partners and to develop friendly manners towards your husbands or wives who cherish your problems from home and help you grow;
·         16)You should avoid water sports, deep water and traveling in boats and ships;
·         17)You do not have to pace yourself over the work;
·         18)People with birth number 7 should not be too quick to change your views.

·         Birth number 8
 (Born on 8th, 17th or 26th of any month)

·         1) You should strive to take over;
·         2)You need to trust your friends and subordinates;
·         3)You should not undertake work that exceeds your ability – is it just for the sake of saving or making money;
·         4)You should not get involved in disputes, and you must learn to articulate your own ideas and be able, when necessary, to keep silent;
·         5)You need to expand the circle of friends and acquaintances;
·         6)You do not have to depend on someone else’s care, because of your friends, relatives and other people you help, you may get very little;
·         7)You should reject vindictiveness;
·         8)You should throw off the mask of moroseness, seriousness, sobriety, and learn to smile and try to be happy;
·         9)You must be active, to avoid mental lethargy, passivity and isolation;
·         10)You must cultivate tolerance, to be more friendly, reasonable and not so easily irritated;
·         11)You should avoid drugs and other toxic chemicals;
·         12)People with Birth Number 8 should avoid canned, old food and fast food, you should have more coarse grains, drink more fresh juices – to avoid constipation and other problems caused by incorrect behavior of the wind, such as rheumatism, arthritis, and skin irritation;
·         13)You should follow the advice of seasoned people who know more than you are;
·         14)You must avoid the habit of thinking about the past and try to cope with imaginary fears;
·         15)You must respect your life and business partners;
·         16)You should try not to get involved in love affairs;
·         17)You have to travel more often;
·         18)You should not spread rumors;
·         19)People with birth Number 8 should seek good friends and devote more energy own spiritual growth
·         Birth number 9
 (Born on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month )

·         1) You should be afraid of fires, bomb explosions, storms, floods and road accidents;
·         2)You must be constantly alert – using firearms to avoid hurricanes, storms and floods as well as drive a car with special attention;
·         3)You need to avoid any provocation, and thoughts of revenge;
·         4)You need to abandon the false pride, hypocrisy, because these qualities lead to envy and criticism;
·         5)You need to learn to take an emotional calm and not lose courage;
·         6)You need to avoid the risk of committing reckless acts of unnecessary whose aim is to show your courage and determination;
·         7)You should avoid complaints, discussion and gossip about your colleagues and partners;
·         8)You must love your life partners, to create peace in family life and to remember the axiom: “To err is human, to forgive as God is peculiar”;
·         9)If possible, you should avoid operations;
·         10)You do not need to hurry: you must learn to overcome your anxiety;
·         11)You need to avoid the gloomy kind and learn to maintain your smile;
·         12)You have to respect your superiors and not to engage with them in unnecessary disputes, because the “nines” easily provoked, and you lose your composure;
·         13)You need to avoid all unstable situations and try not to be touchy, do not speak loudly or harshly;
·         14)People with Soul urge number 9 must adhere to the discipline that creates order in your lives;
·         15)By signing the official papers, you need to be carefully and thoroughly examine them before the act of signing; If necessary, before signing, you can consult a lawyer;
·         16)Do not be deluded about your own strength, energy, character; It should be avoided by extremists and to pay special influence on his own strength, because you can fall victim to it;
·         17)You should avoid its three main enemies: anger, arrogance, aggressiveness;
·         18)You should not isolate; Moreover, you should expand your circle of friends and acquaintances;
·         19)You do not have to avoid manifestations of humor
·         20)You should avoid new undertakings, courageous actions during the periods when Mars is not in the best position to forecast the horoscope of birth;
·         21)People with birth number 9 should avoid drugs, toxic substances, because you have a predisposition to them.

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