Sunday 30 June 2013

YOUR YEARLY TRENDS ( Your Personal Year Cycles)

 your Personal Year Cycles

In numerology, all numbers are broken down into single digits 1 through 9.  Likewise our personal year cycles are broken down into 9 year periods. Personal year cycles give us a clue as what to expect in the upcoming year. They are also useful as a focus on the individual year to help keep us on track as to what we should be paying attention to.
The Personal Year Number constitutes one of the major vibrations that you will be confronted with during the course of your life. The explanation of a Personal Year Number is only concerned with the trends that you are going to experience and it gives an indication of how you are likely to react faced with these influences. Free-will is not denied, but the simple fact is, our decision making can be more judicious when we have got a bit of information beforehand.

The Personal Year Numbers 1, 5 and 9, indicate huge changes. Personal Year 1, 3 and 5, 8 are in general the most positive numbers. 4 and 7are associated with the most evident material and financial difficulties; as for big losses (theft, trials, friends), The vibrations 7 and 9 can be linked to periods of inner tension and emotional problems.. One's love-life can benefit quite well with the positive vibrations of 2, 5, 6 and 8. 

To find your personal year, FOR THE YEAR 2013, we will use NITINs  BIRTHDATE as an example. DOB 22/ 7 / 1964
22 + 7 + the calendar year(2013)
2+2 =4+7 +2+0+1+3 = 17
17=1+7=8  NITINs personal year number is a EIGHT

Personal Years NO.1

1. A 1 Year is a time to go after what you want, to keep moving, and to exercise initiative. 1 year always signify new starts. Important changes will occur that will be large and dramatic.
2. Anything you begin now is almost guaranteed to be successful, so don’t be afraid to take Big step forward, luck is with you.
3. Plan and begin a new job or business venture. This will be a year of opportunities and beginnings. You may want to expand or make changes in a new or existing project. Decision making will be much easier.
4. On the personal front, you might lose old friends, many separations or partings may take place however, there will be new friends and wider social circle.
5. At the very least, broaden the base of your interests and activities. You will increase the level of your status so that you can receive more in the way of recognition.
6. Be on the lookout throughout the year to meet new friends and key business associates that can assist you.
7. This is a good year to buy or sell real estate. Make every effort to plant new seeds. Some of your hobbies may develop into vocational possibilities.
8. Exciting new financial opportunities should be taken up and this is a year to stand your ground over any issue that arises.
9. You are in the spotlight now and this is a time to make a fresh start.
10. Follow your worldly ambitions and during this new cycle you should make a special effort to maintain your independence and individuality make your own decisions, and rely on your own abilities and instincts.
11. Stay at the forefront, and do not take a back seat to anyone.
12. This is the year to focus on your ideas, your plans and needs, and the fulfillment of your dreams.
13. Once you get started with your own thing, there will be no holding you back and you should exercise your own creative powers as fully as possible and use all that fresh new energy to plunge ahead into new areas that you can develop more fully later.
14. In all things this year, be positive and initiate swiftly everything you can.Action and opportunities are key words for this year; it is a time to 

clarify your goals and work toward your achievements without hesitation.

15. Hard work may be necessary but the odds are encouraging; chances and risks should now be taken. You should attack any problem head-on, and endeavor to settle matters as quickly and effectively as possible.
16. This is a good year to seek advancement, start anything new, such as a job, project, association, idea, interest, activity, trend or condition, providing it is of a practical nature. A Year of Change, transfers, travelling, change in domicile is likely.

17. It’s time to forget about the past and get on with your life; forget about the opposition, apprehensiveness or insecurities within you. Be receptive to new thought and ways of doing things.
18. Whatever you do, don’t be your old self, show the world what you are made of and look forward.

Personal Years NO.2
1. A 2 Year is a time to be cooperative, to follow rather than to lead. Things begun in a 1 Year grow slowly during a 2 Year. Don’t expect immediate results. Do small things that will make last year’s new start work. This is a time to be receptive. The accent is on partnerships and on give and take in close relationships.
2. This is a year to clear up the small details around you and be kind to your family and friends. You may become softer and more receptive, and your focus will naturally turn toward partnerships and cooperation with others.
3. It is time to seek out a person who will help you to crystallize your imaginings and work together in love and happiness.
4. Listen to the advice of others you respect and always try to be diplomatic and patient. 
5. You may wish to spend time alone or to escape somewhere peaceful and secluded for a while to get your thoughts in order and establish some sort of routine.
6. You may spend time going over things, cultivating and improving your options.
7. You are not in a mood to be rushed or pushed into issues that upset your daily routine.
8. Time is on your side and your friendly mood will have an infectious quality around those you contact; someone may even touch off your sense of humor.
9. Facts and figures, negotiable assets, savings and your earning capacity will interest you and this is a time to slowly build your finances.
10. You will increase your knowledge through reading and research and willingly undertake joint projects.
11. Don’t expect rapid promotions or unexpected major changes at work as this is a hard-working year with a few little opportunities or rewards thrown in. Not a good year for beginning new projects as it is a time of struggles and challenges
12. Personal relationships should be emotionally balanced, but you must be willing to give and take and avoid possessiveness.
13. A need for deep romantic involvement with a partner lures you to new beginnings and you may find yourself in a love relationship with someone very special to you. Good Year for Marriage. 
14. Sex, conception and creation may enter your destiny with great gusto this year. This is a great year for those who wish to start a family, teamwork and cooperation is emphasized.
15. Overall, this is a year of slow growth and advancement.

Personal Years NO.3
1. A 3 Year means social activity with both old and new friends. You may scatter your energies and un­dertake too many things at once. It is a time to be happy but not frivolous. The accent is on charm and creativ­ity. Buy some new clothes and express the joy of life. 
2. Travel, communication and being with others will fill your year with much happiness and joy.  This year brings hope and growth. This is a favorable year for the growth of your finances.
3. You may wish to show your creativity, relax and socialize more and you may find yourself doing things you never thought you would do.
4.. If you push yourself forward, you will be popular and will find those you associate with will also help you express yourself in a more positive way and further your ideas at the same time. So open up and spread the word, this is no time to hide your light under a bushel. Get out and about, be seen and identify with others, socialize and network. 
5. This is a light-hearted year with friends, a time for exuberant self-expression, a year of fun and rewards in which you can restore your vital energies, explore your creativity, and widen your social contacts. 
6. You should pursue all forms of entertainment; you’re in the mood to party. You may catch up with old friends and acquaintances or attend reunions.
7. Now is the time to enjoy all those luxuries, such as travel, holidays, relaxation and all the good things in life. A few celebrations may be in store: special birthdays, engagements, weddings, christenings, banquets, and special functions.
8. You won’t be grounded with limitations and responsibilities at work or at home so now is a super time to enjoy the things you like doing best, away from the hustle and bustle of your usual environment.
9. Don’t feel too worried if so-called friends and acquaintances seem a little distant from you; it won’t last and all will correct itself before long.
10. You may wish to make friends with different people, join a club, society, lodge, theatre or cultural organization.
11. Your creative faculties will be in top gear and you will impress those with whom you come into contact. Enjoy!
12. Overall, this is a year of travels, entertainment, love affairs and new friends.

Personal Years NO.4
1.A 4 Year means facing reality. Sometimes it means digging in and doing the hard work. Not a time for 3 loafing or 5 restlessness. A time to be practical, to take care of health, and to be patient. Increased responsibilities require attention to duty. Organize your time, look to details, be serious and work hard. 
2.Now is the time to slow down from your hectic life style, turn inward, and get down to that important work that is needed to make your dream a reality.  Do not take things easy.
3. The first step is to get rid of the dead wood and focus on what is truly effective. It is time to put your affairs in order and keep them that way.
4. You need to guard your health and have a physical check-up, and do whatever is needed in the way of diet, exercise, and good health habits to get your body in tune.
5. This year is favorable for investing in   real estate or renovating your home.
6. Do not start anything new. Unpleasant things are likely to happen. Work does not make good progress. You feel pressure and burden and tied down. Problems concerning children, friends and real estate will disrupt.
7. Try to cultivate the habit of practicality in order to build a solid foundation for your future years.
Work out the details of important issues and follow them through. This is not a year to sit back and become complacent, so roll up your sleeves and dig in.
8. If you let yourself flow with the tide of this year, you will eventually find yourself feeling a deep kind of satisfaction as your efforts produce tangible results.
9. As you clean out your closets and tidy your desk, you will feel a new kind of serenity as your life becomes more calm, orderly and in-control.
10. Contact with people far away, travel, importing and exporting, and expanding your interests and horizons are favoured. This is an exceptionally pleasing cycle for plans connected with career, writing, publishing and marketing. 
11. Expansion and improvements will affect your work and routine but you must put everything in order to enable you to have maximum impact. 
12. Your effectiveness will be tested during this time. Do not bite off more than you can chew.
13. Financially this is a good time, if you’re willing to work hard for your money. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter; it is a year to prove your personal worth.  Conditions will start improving towards the latter part of the year.
14. You will be able to build a solid footing with an assurance of greater security for your future.

Personal Years NO.5
1. A 5 Year means investigating the new. Expand your horizons. This is an extremely favorable time for travel, change, excitement, adventure and variety. Some of you will do a lot of dating. Be ready for surprises, and be open to change and to opportunity outside of the usual routine. It’s now time to break away from your daily routine and refresh yourself.
2. Meeting new people, travelling to new places, involving yourself in exciting new situations, and participating in a wide variety of activities, will make this an exhilarating year.
3. A change of residence is likely or there may be a change in the job, environment or family conditions. Social recognition and travel is likely to happen.
 4. The excitement level is high, and the energy is there for the untried and the unusual. Opportunity won’t necessarily come knocking at your door, so put yourself out there and see what comes your way. 
5. You can expect a pivotal time for shifts, twists and turns, so prepare yourself or the unexpected. If you are prepared for risk, you will succeed.
6. The keyword for this year is variety and change. If you bounce along with the tide and remember to keep circulating, this should be a year of progress and fun.
7. This is a year of communication. Correspondence, newspaper advertising, outings, errands, deliveries, discussions, interviews, debates, conferences and study are just a few of the things that will keep you busy during this time.
8. Legal matters and contracts are favored  and you may decide to purchase something very expensive, such as real estate, motor vehicle, boat or caravan.
9. Romance will be exciting and different; you may even find yourself taking a gamble in your love life as your personal magnetism and sex appeal skyrockets out of sight and out of mind.
 10. News of and engagement, wedding or birth may come your way. You may be caught up in the world of romantic fantasy or you may be lured into an extramarital affair if care is not taken.
11. You’re yearning for something different, exciting, attractive and erotic and you may even go to great expense to get what you want from life now, regardless of the consequences.
12. You might be tempted to overindulge in alcohol, drugs and sex, therefore you must be careful.
13. Life will be hectic, watch for the sudden or unexpected.

Personal Years NO.6

1. A 6 Year is a stabilizing influence. In this year the focus is on your home and family.Some will find a steady girl or boy friend; others will spend more time with their families. You may be asked to help around the house or to pitch in on some group project. Those without a steady friend will find themselves going along with the crowd. Be ready to assume responsibil­ity with or for others.
 2. You may get involved in serious love affairs. This is a good year to get married. Love relationships and domestic matters will be a major focus and you may need to make some important adjustments in this area of your life. Married life will be happy.
3. Business will be active and profitable. Money and jobs are not likely to be a problem, and your energies are now best directed toward home, family and friends.
4. It is time to really take responsibility for those about whom you care. If your responsibilities toward others become heavy this year, remember that meeting them wholeheartedly can add immense emotional richness to your life.So, for now, you should put career demands and a desire for self-assertion and self-expression on the back burner.

5. Concentrate on creating a loving home life environment and also on making your physical dwelling more comfortable and pleasing.
6. In all ways, it is time to seek harmony and balance in your relationships and personal life. Your outlook will be easygoing and cheerful.
7. New responsibilities and commitments bring increased stability; you may even become quite domesticated.
8. This year is favorable to buying or building a new home. Renovation or decorations at home may take place.
9. Your family surroundings will be more important to you now and this is an excellent cycle for improving your dwelling by interior design, landscaping or new furnishings and appliances to make your daily chores easier.
10. You may decide to down size you’re your property interests and important domestic affairs can be finalized and brought to a satisfactory conclusion.
11. You may wish to establish a firm home base and consider settling down with a partner, build your dream home and set yourself up in a more impressive and secure lifestyle.
12. Beauty and harmony will seduce you and you will have new ideas on how to improve your family’s future security.
13. You will have a strong desire to become more self-reliant and secure through savings programs and superannuation funding.
14. Some adjustments and sacrifices will be necessary to achieve your goals. 
15.Their is likely to be sickness in your family during this year.
16. The key theme to remember this year is harmonizing, balance, duty and responsibility to those you care for.

Personal Years NO.7

1. A 7 Year is a time to get it together and to spend some time by yourself. The accent is on self-extermination, study, and meditation. If you find yourself dwelling on the past, know that tomorrow is going to be a brighter day. Keep the faith, investigate the unknown. Get in touch with inner strengths, with “soul” power. Step back this year, financial prospects are not good. Period of losses. This year will certainly test your patience over and over again. 
2. Problems regarding health, money, job, career and family life are likely to occur. You may suffer from injury. There are possibilities that you will be misunderstood or misrepresented by others on an important matter. Your affair will move slowly.There can be illness or loss of family members or friends during this year. Many difficulties and upsets are possible  during this period.
3. You will require time alone to do your own thing and you will be somewhat less enthusiastic about mixing with others.
4. The energy this year is just not right for being a gadabout or for dealing with practical matters in the outside world.
You’ll want to retreat from the Hubbub of life in the fast lane and perhaps get away from it all through study, meditation.
5. This year is a time of pause when you go into the deepest parts of yourself and integrate all that has come before.
 6. If you feel depressed, it may be because your energy has gone below the surface, where it is busily gestating something new.
7. Don’t despair, and don’t feel you should be cheerful and outgoing right now. Respect this part of the cycle. Ride it out fully, and it will pass, leaving you with renewed inner riches.
8. Let your inward journey take you to where you are now supposed to be in the enfoldment process of your life.
9. This is a year you may take three steps forward and two backwards. The key to this little gremlin period is to slow down and analyse your next move constructively.
10. Try to solve all those mysteries, puzzles and riddles in your life as quickly as you can.
 11. Don’t worry unduly about unessential issues or take superfluous matters to heart, otherwise you may cause your body undue stress and suffer health problems.
12. Things are not as bad as they seem, you seem to over exasperate your problems by making mountains out of molehills.
13. This is an excellent cycle to use your mental powers. You may unravel matters concerning past problems, education, environment, career, money, marriage, relationships, responsibility.

Personal Years NO.8

1. An 8 Year means recognition for those who have earned it. After last year’s sabbatical, it’s time to face the world again and assume your rightful place in it. Think big and aim for the top. Deal with important peo­ple. It is a time for power in the material world and for attending to financial affairs. Good for buying or selling property. This will be a public and social time when you become once more deeply engaged with the tangible, outward world.
2. This is a year of  good career prospects,financial and business success, big opportunities, promotion, advancement and good for property transactions. Most successful year.There is improvement in health.

2. This cycle is specially suited for power and achievement and all that you've worked hard for can come to fruition in the form of material gain and public recognition.
3. You can think of it as a time of harvest. If you've previously planted the seeds and followed through with your dreams in the earlier years, you will be rewarded with satisfaction arising from a job well done.
4. You’ll still have to push for the outcome that you envisioned, but it will materialize this year if you've done the work.
5. You may find yourself organizing and administrating on a greater scale than usual, working with people and materials to achieve highly visible results. 
6. There are apt to be new interests, responsibilities and opportunities awaiting you.
7. This is a time of advancement, achievement, recognition and improvement, especially in your financial status.
8. You are likely to make positive strides in the direction of your choice and a good deal of work will be accomplished.
9. You will be extremely ambitious, clear-headed, courageous, high-powered, shrewd and skillful; you also will have loads of self-confidence and leadership ability.
10. It is time to think big and not be afraid to overstep your bounds or to take a risk occasionally.
11. Justice, power and success are yours for the taking and you will receive support from those you can trust.
12. Although personal relationships are favored  they will not be high on your list of priorities; you will be more concerned with material acquisition and building a better lifestyle.
13. You may have a favorable encounter with matters connected to insurance, legacies, inheritance, taxation, investments, stocks and shares, and settlements.
14. Be prepared to meet some cutthroat competition; you will love every moment of it.
15. Overall, this is a year of  good career prospects,financial and business success, big opportunities, promotion, advancement and good for property transactions. Most successful year.

Personal Years NO.9

1. A 9 Year is a time to finish old projects and to get ready for next year’s new start. Tune into current events; realize the common humanity you share with others. You can afford to give now, for next year you are starting something new.
This is perhaps your most important cycle and in many cases your most misunderstood cycle.
2. A 9 Year can create many difficulties and upsets. Friendships and relationships may end during this period
You will be involved in quarrels and disputes and there are
Chances of accidents hence be careful. Long distance travels are indicated.
3. People can move house, change jobs, travel overseas, change direction or lose something of great value to them.
4. It is not a time of beginning but endings, and great changes are about to take place. How great these changes are depends largely on what you have been doing with your life. 3. Many aspects of your destiny will begin to change or end such as a job, places, belongings, people, relationships, health and your general direction of your destiny.
5. This is a period of opportunity, when you should be setting your sights on the future and making long-term plans.This is an excellent time to tie up loose ends and accomplish those mammoth tasks.

 6. Discipline will be important to you as you plough your way through a mountain of work and at the same time relinquish anything that is no longer useful or meaningful.
7. Whatever you have put off in the past, you need to finish it now and prepare for a new cycle, and you don’t want the detritus of the old cycle to impede your progress.
8. Now you can reinvent yourself, lose weight, toss out old stuff, and get rid of old habits. 
9. Beauty and attractiveness appeals to you now and you’ll do everything in your power to achieve it.
10. You may work out in a gymnasium, join exercise class or study yoga or metaphysical subjects for relaxation purposes.
 11. This is a good year to have that elective surgery, visit the dentist, and have that long awaited medical check you have been promising yourself. If your body is in need of repair there is no better time than now to fix it. 
12. As people and things fall away because they are no longer appropriate, you may experience this as a year of loss.
13. Say a graceful good-bye, and open yourself to the new cycle to come.

Posted by nitin tijage at 18:47

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