Thursday 9 May 2013



(Personal Year,Personal Month and Personal Day)

The Personal Year Number is the reduced sum of :
Day of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year
Example :
 Suppose My Date of Birth date is 22-07-1964 and current year is 2013.
Hence my personal year for the year 2013 is:     
Day of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year   

Hence my Personal Year Number is 8 for the year 2013
The Personal Year Number constitutes one of the major vibrations that you will be confronted with during the course of your life. The explanation of a Personal Year Number is only concerned with the trends that you are going to experience and it gives an indication of how you are likely to react faced with these influences. Free-will is not denied, but the simple fact is, our decision making can be more judicious when we have got a bit of information beforehand.
The Personal Year Numbers 1, 5 and 9, indicate huge changes. Personal Year 1, 3 and 5, 8 are in general the most positive numbers. 4 and 7are associated with the most evident material and financial difficulties ; as for big losses (theft, trials, friends), The vibrations 7 and 9 can be linked to periods of inner tension and emotional problems.. One's love-life can benefit quite well with the positive vibrations of 2, 5, 6 and 8. 
Personal Month
The Personal Month is the reduced sum of :
Personal Year Number + value of the current month

Each month give you a new vibration included in the major vibration of your Personal Year. This information can be useful to act better in your sentimental, family or professional life
The PERSONAL MONTH NO.for the current month of MAY (2013) will bePersonal Year Number + value of the current month
As explained above My personal year no. is 8+ 5(may 5 th month)=8+5=13=1+3=4
So 4 (four) is my personal personal month number in may 2013.
Personal Day Number
The Personal Day Number is the sum of :
Value of the curent day (reduced to 1-9) +  Personal Month Number.
 So for today 9 th may 2013 my personal day no is:
Value of the curent day (reduced to 1-9) +  Personal Month Number 
 So 4(four) is my personal day no. for 9 th may 2013

Each day is marked by a different vibration. In consulting the information relative to the day (tendency) and the hourly cycles, you can find the most profitable moments to be successful for an important meeting or interview.

Have you ever gotten up in the morning and wondered, "Well I wonder what I
should do today?"  Numerology can possible help you to answer that question.

 Below I have provided you, your Personal Day NUMBER traits.

* Begin a new CYCLE - of thought or action:  It will affect the next 9 days.
* Make your plans and map out your course for the immediate present.
* Manage your own affairs; follow your own advice; act on your own intuitions.
* START any piece of work that has been waiting to be done.
* Use your energies to further your ambitions.
* Resist no change that seems to be in the air; welcome it as an opportunity.
* Do something original and creative.
* Make any contemplated change in your environment or association.
* See new people; seek interviews relating to your business or private affairs.
* Look for a new job if a change is to be made.
* Look for a new house / apartment if you intend to move.
* Shop for new cloths or furnishings if the necessity has arisen.

* Keep yourself in the background - no pushing or promoting.
* Talk little and think much - you may catch a valuable idea.
* Attend to all details  -  despise no small thing.
* Keep your temper and forget sensitiveness - no moods or sulks.
* Accumulate all the facts and statistics you can and tabulate them.
* Keep promptly all engagements - obedient to time and place.
* Perform any small and kindly service that comes your way.
* Proceed slowly and without confusion but don't fall asleep!
* Don't complain about your health just because you feel less energetic.
* Inform yourself about something you didn't know before.
* Make peace wherever you go - adapt yourself to whomever you SEE.
*BE tactful and diplomatic


* Keep cheerful, optimistic and light-hearted at all cost.
* Present a pleasing picture to the world.
* Stretch your personality - it is your greatest asset today.
* Avoid nervousness and tension - do something pleasant.
* Keep your sense of humor on tap - it will cure grouches.
* Attend to all "expression" matters - writing, painting, singing, speaking.
* Discharge any social obligation.


* 4 is building force - it lays a foundation for your future.
* Get down to brass tacks and hard work!
* Make out a schedule and stick to it.
* Put everything in perfect order.
* Look to your budget and straighten out your files.
* Make a gesture toward putting your home and work on a firm and efficient  foundation.
  *Be economical, do not start something new and do not ask favours from opposite sex.
* Make any necessary repairs - strengthen any weak places.
* Allow no distractions, no amusements, no interferences.
* See that all that you do is practical, useful, lasting.
* Keep the frown off your face and watch your temper!


* Take a deliberate vacation from the necessary, humdrum routine.
* Make quick and clever turn-overs in buying and selling.
* Make yourself and your work known through advertising and broadcasting.
* Take a chance if it looks promising.
* Get away from your desk or your daily task.
* Don't map out your work for today - 5 makes its own map as it goes along.
* Enjoy yourself but keep on the alert for a new idea, opportunity, or contact in an unusual place.
  *promote new ideas, or try something new.
* Check that urge for too much celebration.
 *Good day to deal with opposite sex and to travel.
* Don't be restless or scattered or 'jumpy'.
* Keep active and leave yourself FREE for surprises.
* Look for changes and welcome them.
* Expect nothing - be ready for anything.


* Attend to all matters relating to home, family, dependents and responsibilities, beautify your surroundings.
* Minister to the needs or wants of those you love or who love or need you.
* Accomplish all things with ease and poise.
* Make things beautiful and harmonious..
* Clear up any misunderstanding of the immediate past.
* Make any adjustments for others - IF ASKED - but don't meddle.
* Look to your grooming - 6 is apt to be too 'comfortable.'
* Watch your diet, weigh yourself and correct some errors.
* Don't start anything you can't finish before the day is over.


* Do nothing that belongs to a 6 or 8 day!
* Get away by yourself for meditation.
* Rest, meditate, sleep and think.
* Keep aloof, quiet, poised. Do not rush.
* Let everything run without your interference.
* Subject all you do to keen mental analysis.
* 'Get wise' to the direction you have chosen and your motives for it.Day is favourable for spiritual success. 
* Do all you can to improve the MATTER IN HAND and don't look beyond it.
* Engage in no arguments, explanations or acrimonious discussions.
* Accept nothing on its face value - examine it.
* Keep your faith - refuse to be irritated, worried or afraid.
* Don't get depressed or melancholy or cranky.


* Get out into the world of affairs and enjoy the hue of the machinery.
* Do all you can to expand and enlarge your interests.
* Attend to all matter of BUSINESS - management, finances, organization,equipment.
 *Sign big contracts, Grasp new oppurtunities.  
* Deal with people of importance and try to discover how they have 'arrived.'
* Attend to your investments - bank accounts, insurance and taxes.Apply for loans
* Discover how you can put things on a better paying basis.
* See that what money you have is working for you - instead of you for it.
* Use your efforts in any legitimate direction that will increase you income.
* Take control of your own affairs - the 'Executive' Force is around you.
* This is a POWER day - be careful how you use it.

* Finish all matters that have accumulated during the past 8 days. finish pending work.
* Guard against loss or theft but relinquish what is being eliminated by UNIVERSAL LAW!
  *Patch up quarrels. THERE may be vacation or travel.
* Maintain a broad-minded tolerant and sympathetic attitude toward everyone.
* Strive especially for selflessness - 9 requires personal sacrifice. Good day for public performance.
* Don't allow your feelings to be hurt by taking things personally.
* Eliminate with ruthless hand all that should not be carried into the new Cycle
   - tomorrow.
 nitin tijage   

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